Sound Baths

My passion for Crystal Singing Bowls began in 2004 with a trip to “Cerro Uritorco”, a mountain in Argentina located at a powerful energetic vortex. When I experienced the sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls for the first time they stayed in my heart forever, setting an inner goal to bring more balance and love to people through sound.With a combination of Crystal Singing Bowls, tuning forks, reiki and my voice, I create waves of sounds to assist the meditative state. Among other bnefits, this practice re-balances the autonomic nervous system, promotes relaxation and increases overall well-being.

Crystal Singing Bowls

The bowls create sound in a pure waveform that resonates with the physical human body. This sound resonates with the bones, the spine, the organs, the liquids in our body, tissues and cells.
To the ear, it seems as a cloud of relaxing sounds but it works at deeper levels at the same time. The bowls are tuned to the Chakra system, the sound works at the subtle energy level as well. The sound vibration runs through the body to restore alignment and balance where it is most needed.

Picture by Robin Randolph

Tuning Forks

tuning fork

With the help of the tuning forks, your body can be tuned to reach balance and harmony like any other instrument.  While taping into the frequencies of the tuning forks your body enters a deep state of relaxation reducing the levels of stress. Feeling centered, your mind will experience peace.

“You feel a tremendous love as the sound touches you.
All feelings of fear, anxiety, resentment, sickness, retreat
You feel so calm and safe and exuberant
You feel suddenly at peace within your heart
At peace with yourself – with the whole world
You are at peace”

by Renee Brodie
“The Healing Tones of Crystal Bowls”

Besides group/community Sound Bath Events, I do offer private sessions as well as private group events.

Contact me for more information

With Love,